Monday, May 17, 2010

Tucson - Black Tie Event

We are planning a Black tie event, which will be held at Tucson BBQ at Maponya Mall, on 02

October 2010. The sole purpose of the event being to raise funds for the children of Litha in preparation for 2011 schooling needs and to enable the organisation to stretch its wings (providing assistance to other homes in need)

The event will be fun filled, with excellent program (surprise package), I am most certain that you will also enjoy the warm hospitality of Tuscan BBQ, good company (opportunity to network) and great food, all of this for a small donation covering you and your partner

Please send us an to ensure your seat at this grand event or to relate any questions you may have about the event.


  1. Godluck with the planning and preparation and I believe it will be a success.Godspeed...

  2. this was very beautiful guys nisebenzile kempela and i pray taht God will keep and grow u to touch more people. mbali mhlambi


Proposed Events for 2014

Go back To School Drive (February 02, 2015)

We are planning to distribute uniform and stationary to the identified needy children around Soweto and Kliptown.

Easter Weekend Drive (March - April 2015)

During the month of February through to March we will engage in fund raising drives with the aim of collecting clothes; food; and funds.

Winter Drive (May - July 2015)

Please help us by donating warm clothes and blankets which we intend distributing to to needy though the winter season begining on the 1st of May 2015.

Youth Day Celebrations (June 16, 2015)

The theme is centered around encouraging the youngsters to read, thus we urge you to spread the word as we need to get hold of a much as possible "reading books" which will be distributed on the day.

Christmas Party (29 November 2015)

Venue and the day activities to be announced.

The success of all of the above is highly depended on you and your donations, so please "spread the word and make a difference to a needy child."